Friday, June 1, 2012

another day at the beach...

Ahhhhh, the beach...

Blue skies, white sand and clear water...

beautiful scenery in every direction...

 unless you're three.  To him, the beach is so much more...

Let him show you what he sees...

You see this rock?  It's not really a rock...

it's a mountain.  And what are mountains good for?


This mountain was steep and jagged, a perilous adventure indeed...

but he did it.  And what's so great about climbing to the top of a mountain?

Jumping off of it.

You see these rocks in the sand?  They're not really rocks.

They're surf boards.

And since he can't swim yet, these boards are perfect for practicing.

Sometimes he gets an overwhelming urge to say,

"Thank you, Jesus!!!  I LOVE living here!!!"

What?  It's time to go home?

Well, see ya later.

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