Driving has opened up a TON of new opportunities for us and I am so super excited about our new Wednesday routine. Last Wednesday I took Brooks to the library by our house for a story time event that takes place every other Wednesday for three to five year olds. Last weekend Patrick went surfing in Broadbeach (which is about a ten minute drive) and came across a park that he described as the "super awesome" park. You see, there are so many parks here that we've had to come up with names for them. Brooks calls the park across the street from us "his" park while the next park up is the "good" park and the park up from that one is the "awesome" park. When Patrick saw the super awesome park he couldn't wait to take Brooks there so the next day they loaded up and headed out. I'm not sure who loved it more, but here are the two pictures Patrick took...
They came home and Patrick told me I HAD to take Brooks back there because it was amazing. The public libraries here only offer the story time event at particular locations and wouldn't you know it, they have one in Broadbeach and it's not just every other week, it's EVERY Wednesday. Not only that, but it's right across from the super awesome park.
We took Patrick to work this morning and headed up to Broadbeach for our library/park date and it was fantastic. The library is awesome and we both loved it.
Brooks didn't even want to wait until we got home to start reading his books.
We left the library and headed across the street to the beach...
where he MIGHT'VE been persuaded to throw his guns up...
and then we walked over to the super awesome park.
It seriously is awesome; I've never seen anything like it. I'll have to snap some pictures of everything next week because it's incredible. Until then, I only have one of this creepy mermaid:
We wrapped it up at the park just in time to pick Patrick up to bring him home for lunch.
Wednesdays might just become my new favorite day.